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Custom 8" x 11" one-sided or two-sided flyer with up to 3 edits.  If you have a logo or images along with specific wording, please e-mail them to  You will receive a watermarked PDF proof of your flyer in the e-mail address provided. Once you have approved the proof, you will receive a final PDF copy without watermarks. Under Custom Text, please provide any wording you would like added or highlights about what you are trying to get across to your customer. If you don't have any, please type in "None"

Standard Program or Flyer

  • You will receive a watermarked PDF proof of your flyer in the e-mail address provided.  Once you have approved the proof, you will receive a final PDF copy without watermarks.   Under Custom Text, please provide any wording you would like added or highlights about what you are trying to get across to your customer.  If you don't have any, please type in "None".

  • You will not pay until your flyer is approved.  Once you have approved the flyer, you will be charged.

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